"RAUM FÜR DEMENZ" Lecture + Workshop
Location: Hochschule für Bildende Künste (Labortheater, 1. OG) Güntzstr. 34, 01307 Dresden
Date: 30th of April 2024, 4:30pm - 6:30pm
Please register via email: kraus@hfbk-dresden.de
Very happy to announce my participation for a lecture and workshop at the HFBK Dresden later this month. The event will be a sensory approach for students, artists, art therapists, those affected, relatives, caregivers and all other interested parties.
If you are in Dresden or surrounding areas please join us for this event and don't forget to register (Email: kraus@hfbk-dresden.de ).
For more Details on the lecture/workshop please visit their website.
++ Special Thanks to
@hfbk_dresden & the amazing team in Dresden @alexandramodestahopf ,@kerstin_schrems and Lisa-Maria Kraus
Also many thanks to
@fwf_at Grant-DOI: 10.55776/AR609 , FWF PEEK AR 609
*financed/ co-financed by @sachsen_landtag