YEAR: 2002
IDEA, CONCEPT: Ruth Mateus-Berr & Veronika Schnell
CUTTING: Gertraud Schwarz
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Objective of this project was to promote the new strategy of implementing the equal opportunities plan for women.
During ordinary working day Ruth Mateus-Berr conceptualized a whole day action, with podium discussion, queer book shop presentations, Women´s D-Jing, exhibition, curated by Julya Rabinowich, chocolate teasers designed by Gabbi Werner, Lunch cooked by the male professors, who had to find a woman professor to cook together different free menus for the community of the Angewandte, including The Applied Answeringmachine, together with Veronika Schnell.
On this answering machine, several pupils at the Angewandte were asked to read one paragraph of the new plan (Theresa Langer, Anne Haslbeck, Johanna Totschnig, Renate Potetz, Sonja Emder, Irene Fleiss, Franziska Maderthanr, Renate Vergeiner, Sabina Szatko, Eva Rant, Gabriele Rothemann, Karin Isopp, Marlene Pollhammer, Christiane Feuerstein).
As a break in between the only man voice said: “Please have a little patience.”