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Politics of Fear


TRES-CHIC-Est MSCA 101022318 

Horizon 2020 in cooperation with the Vienna University of Technology (funded by EU)

Time-Resolved Electron Spectroscopy: a Challenging Highly Innovative Collective Excitation Study


Role: Project lead Angewandte, artist, designer, teacher

DEMEDARTS. Dementia.Empathy.Education.Arts.Artistic Research on

Patterns of Perception and Action in the Context of an Aging Society University of Applied Arts Vienna (FWF: The Austrian Science Fund is Austria‘s central funding organization for basic research, PEEK: Programme for Arts-based research:
AR 609

Role: Project lead, artist, designer

WKP 132 „Art 4 Science“, (funded by FWF) Projectlead: Eva Maria König, St. Anna Kinderkrebsforschung e.V. – Tumor-Immunoediting (funded by FWF): The Austrian Science Fund.Science Communication Program.

Role: artist, designer

Coability/Designcultures and Disability studies

GRANT: Austria-Hungary Research & Education Foundation: Knowledge Sharing Exchange 
PROJECTPARTNERS: University of Applied Arts Vienna (Angewandte),Laszlo Moholy Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest, HU.

Design & Innovation
PROJECTPARTNERS: University of Applied Arts Vienna (Angewandte),
MAK (Museum of Applied Arts Vienna), SCD (Slovakian Design Center, VŠVU (Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava/ Institute for Design, Textil and visual Communication)


D.A.S. Dementia. Arts. Society /Artistic Research on Patterns of Perception and Action in the Context of an Aging Society, University of Applied Arts Vienna 

FWF: The Austrian Science Fund is Austria‘s central funding organization for basic research,
PEEK: Program for Arts-based research:



PROJECTPARTNERS: fluxguide, MAK (Museum of Applied Arts)

Breaking the Wall - Playful Interfaces for Audience Participation and Artistic Expression in Musical Live Performances 

FWF: The Austrian Science Fund is Austria‘s central funding organization for basic research, PEEK: Program for Arts-based
PROJECTPARTNERS: University of Applied Arts Vienna & University of TechnologyVienna & University of Music and Performing Arts

​Sparkling Games Sparkling Science 

GRANT: bmwfw: Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (BMWFW)

PROJECTPARTNERS: University of Applied Arts Vienna & University of Technology Vienna, Schulschiff Bertha von Suttner 

INTegrating Entertainment and
Reaction Assessment into Child Cancer Therapy  & University of Vienna, St. Anna Children Cancer Research Center Institute, T-Systems 

Grant Funders: FFG: The Austrian Research Promotion Agency:

Project Partners: University of Applied Arts Vienna, University of Vienna (Games4Resilence Lab- Psychology; Faculty of Computer Science, Entertainment Computing)  St. Anna Childrens Cancer Research Center, T-Systems Austria, Austrian Schools (Schulschiff Bertha von Suttner)

Project Lead: University of Vienna


WORKSHOP 2017 (22.05.2017) Human Rights Education for All – Spaces of encounter in a transcultural theatre workshop, organized in collaboration with Amnesty International

In this workshop (former) refugees and others come together to explore in a playful protected space how communication about human rights issues is possible apart from mainstream media coverage, stereotyping and prejudice. Theatre will be our common language of encounter. Professional actors and trainers specialized in theatre pedagogic, lead the group of (former) refugees and non-refugees through this process of transcultural encounter and transcultural communication. Methods developed by the Brazilian theatre director, writer and politician, Augusto Boal will be used for experience and re-flection. The merit of this day is an intensive and enriching experience of people, who might not have met otherwise. Acting skills are not required to join the work-shop.


TALK 2017 (25.5.2017) Talk with Elisabeth Schäfer, Kunst Haus Wien, Vienna, AUSTRIA

WORKSHOP 2017 (30.5.2017) The Ministry of Perspectives Kunst Haus Wien & Schulschiff Bertha von Suttner, AUSTRIA  For one whole day we open a consultancy office for fear and worries at KUNST HAUS WIEN: The Ministry of Perspectives. You are invited to make an appointment with our young experts (aged be-tween 6 to 16 years) who will be actively supported by representatives of POF collective. If you have any fears, a personal dilemma or find yourself in a situation that demands courage or the need to take a difficult decision, feel free to pass by and approach our professional trouble shooters with your personal questions to gain new perspectives.

WORKSHOP 2017 (31.5.2017) Workshop for pupils about migration and displacement, organized in collaboration with Amnesty International “Do you have coke in Syria? Do you use a microwave for cooking?” These were some of the questions posed to the sixteen year old Anas after her arrival in Vienna. This example shows that many people in Vienna have quite diffuse images when it comes to cultures and geographical characteristics they are not really familiar with. It also highlights the importance of exchanging knowledge about migration and displacement.

The goal of this participatory workshop, aimed towards children between the age of 12 to 18 years, is to create awareness on the topics of migration and displacement and encourage transfer of knowledge and mutual learning as more and more pupils at our schools have personal experiences in regard to migration and displacement.

TALK 2017 (11.6.2017) Talk with Bernhard Heinzlmaier, Kunst Haus Wien, Vienna, AUSTRIA

TALK 2017 (8.6.2017) Talk with Elisabeth Nöstlinger, Kunst Haus Wien, Vienna, AUSTRIA

WORKSHOP 2017 (10.6.2017) Fear & Courage, a dialectic Game  On January 7, 2015 two brothers, who identified themselves as be-longing to the Islamist terrorist group Al-Qaeda, forced their way into the offices of the French satirical weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo. Twelve people were killed and several others injured. Charlie Hebdo and the related attacks which followed, evoked fear; it was also, the fear to express critique. How much courage does it take you to criticize or voice your opinion in your everyday life? How far can critique go? Do you show civic courage in a dangerous situation? Inspired by the international discussion game PlayDecide, which enables participants to talk about controversial issues in a simple and effective way, this workshop will engage with the complex dialectic of fear and courage. Participants will be confronted by questions and stories intended to be provocative and to be collectively discussed.


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