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Panel discussion "Loneliness - a source of happiness?"

Panel Discussion LIVE on LONELINESS

Vienna 3rd of March 2022, 19:00 - 20:15 (CET, UTC +1)

I will be joining a new panel discussion by Wiener Zeitung on the topic of Loneliness.

Loneliness is a phenomenon of the increasingly fast-paced, digitally networked society and can have far-reaching consequences. In philosophy, however, it was considered a desirable, progressive state that harbors multifaceted experiences. The Roman writer Cicero is reputed to have said, "When I am alone, I am least alone," and in Friedrich Nietzsche's view, if you wanted to create something new, you had to go into solitude. He suffered through it in its blackest abysses and celebrated it in its most inspired forms.

The phenomenon of loneliness has many facets.

Some questions we will try to tackle:

Is solitude as a spiritual experience a useful tool for self-discovery and creativity? A source of happiness and peace of mind (Schopenhauer)? Is there also a "good" solitude, places of purification? Are libraries "third places?" where one is alone, but not lonely? Are we increasingly living in the age of loneliness?

You can send your input or questions in advance by e-mail to

Welcome: Bernhard Pöckl, Head of City of Vienna Libraries Emil Diaconu, Managing Director Social City Wien Martin Fleischhacker, Managing Director Wiener Zeitung


Anita Eichinger, Director Wienbibliothek im Rathaus Cosima Sablatnig, YEP - Youth Empowerment Participation - Voice of Youth

Ruth Mateus-Berr, Professor at the Center for Didactics of Art and Interdisciplinary Teaching, University of Applied Arts


Walter Hämmerle, Editor-in-Chief Wiener Zeitung

Venue Online panel discussion: YOUTUBE

Live from the Vienna Main Library Urban-Loritz-Platz, Vienna

A cooperation with the Vienna Main Library, Social City Vienna and the Wiener Zeitung.

For more information visit:

Details may be subject to change.

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