Jun 25, 2023Per EduArt. Art Education Materials for Study and SchoolI am pleased to inform you about the upcoming event "Per EduArt. Art Education Materials for Study and School". On Wednesday, June 28,...
Jun 21, 2023Book Launch: "Teaching Graphic Design" by Sven Ingmar Thies The presentation of this new book took place last Tuesday, June 20, 2023, at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. "Sven Ingmar Thies...
Jun 22, 2022NEW Release: EDU:TRANSVERSAL Educational Turn / BildungsoffensiveI am happy to announce the launch of my brandnew publication "EDU:TRANSVERSAL No. 01/2022: Educational Turn / Bildungsoffensive",...
Aug 31, 2021NEW Book Release: Kunsttherapeutische StichworteI am happy to announce the new publication of the book "KUNSTTHERAPEUTISCHE STICHWORTE", by Manfred Blohm & Katja Watermann, published by...
Feb 25, 2021Newspaper article in Wiener ZeitungMy project partner Heinrich Kovar, cancer researcher at St. Anna Children's Cancer Research in Vienna, was interviewed by Wiener Zeitung...
Jan 13, 2021New Book Release - Arts & DementiaBook Release ARTS & DEMENTIA Interdisciplinary Perspectives Series: Edition Angewandte Edited by: Ruth Mateus-Berr and L. Vanessa Gruber...